Online exam software for school to conduct subjective type question exam

May 13, 2020 By Score Exam Info Tech

ScoreExam now come with support of subjective question (with short Answer) type along with MCQ Single, MCQ Multiple, Integer type or range base, Matrix match and True False.

This feature really helps school and other educational organization to held there exam online during this lockdown and even after this lockdown too.

Some of feature of online subjective exam

  • Student have an option to enter there answer using keyboard in response to any question.
  • Student can also upload an image in response to any question.
  • Student can also upload PDF file.
  • Student can pick an option if question is MCQ Single
  • Student can pick more than two option if question is MCQ multiple.
  • Student have to enter digits or numeric or frication values using numpaid for it

Subjective type questions

Score Exam Blog

MCQ Single Example:

Score Exam Blog

Matrix Match or Column Match:

Score Exam Blog

MCQ Multiple Choice:

Score Exam Blog

Integer Type Questions:

Score Exam Blog

# Online exam software for school college #online subject exam software #conduct subjective exam software # conduct mcq with subjective online test

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